2023 August 11 Friday " One child, one teacher one book and one pen can change the world." Malala Yousafzai Today is my last day at the St. John's model Higher Secondary school. I am very busy with my topics. Because some more lessons I want to finish. Finally I catch all these lessons. The head master Bijo sir arranged Payasam for all students.I took 4 periods. in 8B. And I took a period in 8 c in the absence of Amalu. I conducted rivision there. Today was the last day of this semester teaching practice. We gave sweets to all students." In the second last period I and Anu Roy went to 8B and provide Laddu. Some of the students were gave feed back We say good bye to everyone. After 3.30 Our beloved principal Fr Jose and head master Bijo Sir arranged a small sent off party together with teachers. It was a nice experience for us. Thank you Lord for everything